Rethinking and making choices for the common good
Acteurs de la construction, nous nous engageons avec conviction à contribuer au développement durable et au bien-être de la société.
Le monde change. Nous nous devons de changer avec lui. Au sein du Groupe Fondasol, nous avons à cœur d’anticiper ses mouvements et d’accompagner ses transformations. Il est de notre responsabilité́ d’entreprise de nous préoccuper des autres, de façon volontariste et bienveillante.
L’enjeu? Veiller à la pérennité, la santé et la croissance du Groupe et de son capital humain, tout en apportant notre contribution à celles de la société et de la planète. Pour un impact positif partagé par tous.
Conscient de la Responsabilité Sociétale de notre Entreprise (RSE) et en cohésion avec les enjeux ESG – Environnement Social Gouvernance, nous intégrons des pratiques éthiques, sociales et environnementales dans nos activités.
8.5 years: The average length of service of our employees.
Employee-Centric Approach: We listen to our employees and strive to offer greater flexibility, such as remote work, a 4-day alternating workweek (in the office and on-site), and career development opportunities through mentoring and training programs.
5%: The portion of our revenue dedicated to training.
Since 2017, our participative and inclusive governance has been based on majority employee shareholding: 75% of our capital is held by 97% of our employees.
75% : The share of capital owned by our employees
Our immediate goal is to involve employees directly in the company’s governance and equitably share the value created, fostering fairness and social justice.
This governance model enables us to ensure our collective independence, allowing us to make strategic decisions that strengthen our position and ensure our long-term sustainability.
10 years: The average partnership duration with our top 20 clients and partners
10 years: The average partnership duration with our top 20 clients and partners.
This is achieved through:
Our values drive us to rethink our professional approaches and implement sustainable practices.
By leveraging the power of our aggregated data, reinterpreted through digital technology, we are shaping a new value chain for our engineering processes. This chain harnesses the capabilities of prediction, artificial intelligence, automation, cloud computing, interoperability, and BIM.
The tools we develop enhance efficiency and workflow, support decision-making, and help optimize investigation programs, our technical recommendations, and associated construction solutions.
We are also actively working to identify eco-responsible construction solutions in collaboration with downstream stakeholders.
We have deployed a comprehensive suite of digital tools for our engineering and investigation teams.
We designed LIANAKA, a new service offering that leverages soil data, providing access to a planning-phase platform to easily and instantly identify a site's potential as well as associated risks and uncertainties.
On-site, we developed CLEA, a next-generation drilling rig that is Connected, Lightweight, Electric/Ergonomic, and Autonomous.
The Carbon Impact of Our Innovations (Compared to Standard Machines):
-35 kgCO2eq / day using CLEA
-53 kgCO2eq / day utilizing existing data