
Fondasol Group applies an collaborative governance project that is resolutely original, and part of a long-term vision.

In 2017, a first capital operation enabled employees and managers to become the majority shareholders in the Group's capital, with 60% of the shares.

In 2021, another operation opened up the capital further, taking the share held by the staff to 75%.

During 2022, the pace of this drive to involve the employees in the company's capital will accelerate again, with the setting up of a FCPE, an employee investment fund. Mobilising the tools employee savings and profit sharing (two schemes in France, intéressement and participation) will enable us to bring all of the employees into the Group's shareholder base.

This desire to share the wealth created, and the economic and financial value generated by everyone, is a strong pillar in Fondasol Group's strategic plan and it's CSR policy.

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The employee shareholding scheme, the keystone in an ambitious strategic project

This fundamental change in Fondasol Group's capital initiated in 2017 has been accompanied by the rolling out of a long-term strategic transformation plan.

It aims to rise to the challenges we face in our sector and those of society and to secure a lasting future for the Group.

The introduction of the employee shareholding scheme, combined with the support of our financial partners, facilitates the implementation of a continuous transformation:

  • punctuated by high points,
  • encouraging  the blossoming and development of employees,
  • that is forward-looking and a guarantee of longevity.

The actions being implemented include:

  • Acceleration of the digital transformation, with, among other things, the launch of Solscore, decision aid tool for construction projects, and the integration of BIM for the Group's expert departments
  • Growing internationalisation, with a new base in Canada and the reinforcement of the Group's presence in Africa
  • The reinforcement of the Group's multidisciplinary offer, with the integration a new area of expertise, structural studies, strengthening the Group's capacity to provide technical support for projects through all their different phases
  • Actions in favour of the decarbonisation of our activities, with, in particular, the development of a 'zero-emissions', connected, electric, ergonomic and standalone drilling rig.

Employee-shareholders and governance

What, given that the company is not listed on the stock exchange, is the best way of keeping our employee-shareholders informed? How can we involve them in the governance of the company?

To provide the answer, we have decided to overhaul our governance bodies. From 2022:

  • Employee-shareholder meetings  will be held every two months, to answer questions, accompany decisions, inform and consult the employee-shareholders on governance and strategic matters, and on the administrative and legal arrangements.
  • Two employees who own shares elected by the employee-shareholders will take part in an expanded Management Committee meeting every quarter, in order to speak for the employee-shareholders within this management body.

Management committee and monitoring committee

Consisting of 6 permanent members, our Management Committee meets bi-monthly.

  • Olivier Sorin, CEO
  • Bertrand Delahousse, Director of Operations
  • Caroline Notre Dame, Administrative and Financial Director
  • Catherine Jacquard, Technical Director
  • Marc Floreani, Sales Director
  • Philip Waked, Development Director
  • Stéphane Huguet, Human Resources Director

Also attended by managers from our regions, subsidiaries, and managers of technical and other departments, and now the representatives of the employee-shareholders, the expanded Management Committee meets once a quarter.

These meetings are fixed before the monitoring committee meetings with the minority shareholder funds, so as to pre-validate the decisions.

Our minority shareholders

Two investment funds renewed their confidence in the Group and its management at the time of the capital transaction in December 2021.

BNP Paribas Développement

One of the investment funds of the banking group BNP Paribas, BNP Paribas Développement, manages 1 billion euros, investing its own funds directly to support the development of high-performing SMEs. Its mission is to accompany the management team to achieve its strategic project in the medium term.

BTP Capital Investissement

BTP CAPITAL INVESTISSEMENT is a venture capital company that has been providing equity and quasi-equity funding in SMEs and intermediate-sized enterprises in the construction and related activities sector for over 45 years, and whose shareholders are the main institutions in the profession (Fédération Française du Bâtiment, BTP Banque, SMA BTP and ProBTP).

This funding round was also completed by two new investment funds aligned on the Group's capital and strategic project.


Bpifrance finances companies – at every stage of their development – through credit, guarantees and equity. Bpifrance accompanies them in their innovation and international projects. Bpifrance also insures their export activity through a wide range of products.

Advice, university, networking and an acceleration programme for start-ups, SMEs and intermediate-sized enterprises are also part of the offer to entrepreneurs. Thanks to Bpifrance and its 48 regional offices, entrepreneurs benefit from a single, effective local interlocutor who can support them as they face their challenges.


Since 2017, the Franco-African Funds have been investing in French SMEs with a development in Africa, existing or to be developed. They enable their holdings to deploy quickly across Africa, with the support of all the AfricInvest network, the leader in Private Equity in Africa.

Etoile Capital, Crédit du Nord group

Etoile Capital, a subsidiary of Crédit du Nord, is a shareholder in French SMEs, in a very diverse range of sectors, with a portfolio of about twenty holdings.  It positions itself as a minority shareholder in the capital of companies that are customers of the different regional banks that make up the Crédit du Nord group.